Friday, January 9, 2009

Tag: 2008 stuff list

I was tagged by Face, so here goes!

1. Where were you on midnite Dec 31, 2007?

  • I honestly can't remember!

2. 5 favorite movies of 2008?

  • Sepi
  • The Dark Knight
  • The Mist
  • Speed Racer
  • The Happening

3. Worst movie(s)?

  • 10000 B.C.
  • The Spirit
4. 5 songs you played to death in 2008?
  • Chasing Pavements - Adele
  • American Boy - Estelle
  • Seribu Tahun - Imran Ajmain
  • By Your Side - Sade
  • Dirty Little Secret - Sarah McLachlan

5. 5 games/activities you did in 2008?

  • Badminton - once or twice weekly
  • Massage - less often than badminton
  • Hiking - less often than massage (actually it's just that one time)
  • Going to the movies - probably more often than badminton
  • Conducting phone screening and interviews - for work

6. Number of crushes you had in 2008?

  • A couple

7. Number of heartbreaks you had in 2008?

  • None

8. Number of hearts YOU broke in 2008?

  • One. And I'm sorry.

9. Number of people you made cry in 2008?

  • One - my mom, during Raya (does that count?).

1 comment:

  1. So i guess Spirit sucks huh? havent watched it though. was planning to, but i guess it out the window now !

